Challenging Year Leads to Ongoing Opportunities for Ministry

Walking through flooded area to deliver food and supplies.

 This year has inarguably been an unprecedented one for people in our country as well as in countries throughout the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged nations and disrupted nearly every aspect of our daily lives. 

 “Therefore, I endure all things for the elect’s sake, that they may also obtain the
salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.” 

2 Timothy 2:10 

 For us at NLICM, the pandemic has affected not only the ways in which we are able to share the Gospel within our communities but also our efforts in church planting and missions. Yet even when bible studies and social gatherings had to be canceled and our missionaries and evangelism teams were required to stay home, we sought divine wisdom and guidance in confronting the challenges before us while also looking for opportunities to meet not only peoples’ spiritual needs but their physical needs as well. 

In March, we began offering food aid to those in crisis and, after severe flooding this past summer, we continue to help those who have been displaced by the devastating damage. 

 It is clear that during challenging, fearful times like these, people look to the supernatural for help. As a result, we have observed that many are willing to hear the Gospel and receive Jesus Christ as their savior, and we recognize that this a time of great opportunity to preach the Gospel through all possible methods and express the love of Christ by offering humanitarian aid to those around us. 

With God’s abundant grace—even in such unprecedented times—we have been able to perform baptisms, conduct online bible studies, make use of social media tools, provide prayer and support, and even return to regular church services using proper safety protocols.