Planting Training and Evangelism March 2021
NLICM continues to see the fruit of its many labors! Just a few highlights we’d like to share from January and February:
- Two missionaries have been sent to the refugee camp in Northern Sudan, where more than 60,000 have fled due to war. By the grace of God and thanks to their efforts, a temporary shelter for worship has been erected and many are being reached by the Gospel and have accepted Christ as their savior.
- The newly established Fellowship Hub Church in Arba Arat Mazoria (northeast of Addis Ababa) struggled to find a location in which to gather following closure due to the initial COVID-19 outbreak. However, even during this difficult time, a church member offered a site on which a temporary shelter for worship could be erected, and the church is now growing and able to continue its ministry!
- Missional church and leadership training continues, enabling participants to work toward establishing autonomous local churches.